العسل النيوزلندي الاصلي

تسوق في لبنان الآن

استمتع بكل الجودة مع كل قطرة 🍯

استفيدوا من عروضنا و تخفيضاتنا على انواع العسل النيوزلندي الاصلي . التوصيل مجاني و الدفع عند الاستلام !!

Experience the great taste of Arataki Honey:Rewarewa ,MultiFlora & Thyme Honey
Experience the great taste of Arataki Honey:Rewarewa ,MultiFlora & Thyme Honey

عسل مانوكا أصلي نيوزلندي من مراعي و زهور مختلفة

تسوق من منتجاتنا الطبيعية العضوية
Experience the great value of Arataki Manuka Honey
Experience the great value of Arataki Manuka Honey
Manuka honey Blend with MGO
Manuka honey Blend with MGO
Experience the great taste of Arataki Creamy Thyme Honey
Experience the great taste of Arataki Creamy Thyme Honey

عسل مانوكا أصلي م جي او بدرجات متفاوتة

عسل مانوكا خليط من أعسال من ورود مختلفة

عسل اراتاكي نكهة الزعتر الكريمي المميزة

( 68 ) And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct

( 69 ) Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought

Holy Quran - Sura Al Nahl


اكتشف منتجاتنا العضوية المميزة

في Bee Healthy، نحن متخصصون في تسويق العسل النيوزيلندي الأصلي ومجموعة من الإمدادات الغذائية العضوية الصحية الأخرى من أجل صحتك

Various jars and bottles of honey placed on white wooden crates outdoors, surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers. The containers vary in size and are filled with honey in different shades, from light golden to deep amber. A fence and more vegetation can be seen in the background, suggesting a garden or natural setting.
Various jars and bottles of honey placed on white wooden crates outdoors, surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers. The containers vary in size and are filled with honey in different shades, from light golden to deep amber. A fence and more vegetation can be seen in the background, suggesting a garden or natural setting.
A rustic setting features a jar of organic certified honey with a handmade paper cover next to a white enamel mug. The mug is adorned with an illustration of green leaves encircling the words 'Head Gardener.' These items are placed on a wooden surface, suggesting a cozy, natural atmosphere.
A rustic setting features a jar of organic certified honey with a handmade paper cover next to a white enamel mug. The mug is adorned with an illustration of green leaves encircling the words 'Head Gardener.' These items are placed on a wooden surface, suggesting a cozy, natural atmosphere.
A jar filled with honeycomb sits in natural lighting against a rustic stone background. Surrounding the jar are sprigs of dried flowers and fresh lavender, alongside a couple of red apples.
A jar filled with honeycomb sits in natural lighting against a rustic stone background. Surrounding the jar are sprigs of dried flowers and fresh lavender, alongside a couple of red apples.

Pure Healthy products coming soon

We believe in providing authentic organic products to support a healthier lifestyle, connecting you with nature’s best offerings from New Zealand and other countries .